Status Codes:
- C - Completed Call or Survey
- CP - Completed Call Yes Patch
- IR - Initial Refusal (Pre-script; terminal number)
- D - Disconnect / Out of Service (bad number)
- WN - Wrong Number (terminal number)
- N - No Answer (callable number)
- B - Busy (callable number)
- A - Answer Machine (no message left; callable number)
- LM - Left Message on Machine (if applicable; completed call)
- FX - Fax machine (terminal number)
- LB - Language or Spanish Language Barrier (terminal number)
- OB - Other Language Barrier (terminal number)
- DE - Deceased (terminal number)
- DC - Do Not Call (terminal number)
- (BLANK) - Never Called or duplicate
For Survey Question Response Codes (Voter ID & Capture Scripts only):
- Only Status Codes "C" or "CP" are completed surveys with valid survey response codes
- The counts of the question responses will match the counts of the report, in the same order as the script
- The question responses are found in columns added for each question (e.g. Q1, Q2, etc.)
Additional Columns Added:
- misc1 - Patch Target Name, or Alpha/Text Field for capture or display
- misc2 - Patch Target Phone1, or Alpha/Text Field for capture or display
- spoke_to - name spoken to
- spoke_toID - VoterID of name spoken to
- call_date - date record disposition was called
- status_code - termination/disposition code agent used at end of call