
- Confirm the start and end date of the calling project.
- Obtain the Caller ID, if not provided, ask for it.
- Ensure the calling goals match the instructions and are filled out for all calling days.
- Review the Center Notes.
- Verify the correct project template is being used.
- Disable Skip Logic for surveys with over 9 questions.
- For cell phone projects:
  - Disable skip logic.
  - Add an attempt counter.
  - Check the script format and ADVO-ID.
  - Confirm the number of questions.
  - Check the script matches the client email.
  - Ensure the skip logic, opening, and closing are filled out.
  - Verify any provided disclaimers.
  - Determine if the project is voter-specific or not.
  - Check for screen pops.

- Check for screen pops.

- Label the message length.
- Confirm the script language.
- For GOTV, ensure the answering machine message is ready.

- Scrub the data for cell phone numbers.
- Add any necessary miscellaneous fields for screen pops.

- Confirm the PO and PO Description, which should include "Text" and/or "MMS".
- The end date should always be the following day.
- The end time should be 10:00 AM.
- The Management Notes should include the number of text segments and whether there is an MMS.
- Remap responses should be set to 1=1=DNC, 1=2=OTHER, unless more specific remaps are required.
- The goal should be 100% list saturation, unless a stop number is provided.
- The project status cannot be assigned to a center. It must be manually changed to active prior to sending texts.