1. Log into the COS (Campaign Operating System) platform.
2. At the top of the screen, select "Project," then click "New Project."
3. On the "New PO: Step 1" page, fill in the following information:
- Client
- Project name (usually the same as the email subject)
- Select "PATCH THRU" as the project type
- Enter the start and end dates
- Select the correct U.S. state
- If the client provides a Caller ID (CID) number, enter it. If not, use an appropriate number from your CID call list. To determine a CID, open the data, sort the phone numbers by ascending order, and identify the most common area code.
- Enter the number of questions on the script
- Add any campaign notes
- Enter center notes to prioritize landlines, unless advised otherwise by the client
4. Once you've verified that all the information is correct, click "Save" at the bottom of the screen.
5. To add the script:
- Click on "Script" and select "Edit Script."
- Copy and paste the script opening in the "Script Opening" box, then click "Submit."
- For each question, copy the text and question, and enter them into the respective boxes.
- If responses warrant a spoken response, add "IF _:" before each response.
- Enter each response into the "response" box, following the instructions provided on the script.
- Ensure that a "Refused/Hung Up" option is provided for each question, which should go to "END."
- Do not use any punctuation in the responses.
- To add more responses, click the "Add Response" button.
- When all responses have been added, click "Save and Next."
- At the end, add the script closing (if applicable) and click "Save & Review."
- Check the script for any errors and click "Done" to return to the main project menu.
6. Upload the data:
- Open the data from the email.
- Add "RepName" and "RepPhone" miscellaneous fields to the data.
- Check that each target has a patch number, and ensure that the data is either householded (more than one name per entry) or unhouseholded (one name per entry).
- Save the data as a .csv (Comma Separated Values) file.
- On the COS Project Menu, select "Upload Campaign Data" under "Campaign Database."
- Drag and drop the call file into the box or select it from your computer by clicking "Browse…," then click "Upload."
- On the next screen, review the preview of your spreadsheet's columns and rows, as well as the processing options. Make sure everything looks correct and complete the following:
- List processing: Select "Already Householded"
- DE-DUP Phone Number Field: Select the field with the primary phone numbers
- Last Name Field: Select the field with the last names
- First Name Field: Select the field with the first names
- ID Field: Select the field with a unique, numerical identifier (e.g., VanID)
- Misc Send Field: Select the field containing the names, phone numbers of the representatives, and any other variable data
- Misc Databack Field: Select the field containing the question and response data that needs to be captured
7. Perform a cell scrub:
- Click the "Campaign Database" and select "Cell Scrub."
- On the Data Scrub page, select "Mark Cells as Wireless" and then "Run Action."
- The system will mark cells as wireless.
8. Email the PO number and total, land, and cell counts to the client, and confirm the goals.
9. Set the goals:
- Click "Edit PO" and select "Goal Info."
- Choose the "Goal Type" as "TARGETS" and make sure the target field is "REPNAME" and the target field alternate sort is "REPPHONE."
- The complete code is "CP" (Complete Patch).
- In the goal notes, specify the number of patches per target.
- Enter the number of patches per target for each day of dialing, then click "Save."
10. Edit the management information:
- Click on "Edit PO" and select "Management Info."
- Enter any necessary notes for the center in the "Center Notes" or "Manager Notes" section.
- Input any "Remap Statuses," "Remap Headers," or "Remap Responses" as needed.
- Confirm the project type.
- Determine if the "Center Skip Logic" should be enabled or disabled. (Typically, it's disabled if there are five or more questions.)
- Double-check that the "Misc Fields Databack" and "Misc Fields Sending" have the correct data loaded.
- Ensure that the correct "Client Download Fields" are selected (the standard fields include "spoke_to," "call_date," and "status_code").
- Click "Save" when finished.
11. Send the project to the center:
- Once you've uploaded the script and data, have someone cross-check your file (see the Crosscheck List) to ensure everything looks good.
- When the project is completely ready to go, under "Centers," select "Assign Centers."
- Select the center you are assigning the numbers to from the list, and in the "Universe" box, replace the 0 with the number of contacts in the list.
- Click "Assign Centers."
- You'll be taken to a box where you will email the center to notify them that the project is live. Make sure that the center notes are in the notes box, then send the email.
- Your project is now live.