Daily Procedure Ten Commandments

Reports and metrics must be checked every morning, seven days a week, before 8am.

Project statuses need to be updated in the mornings, including moving any projects that have finished to "Ended" status, including email projects. Code all text responses and update the reports by 10am. Be mindful of any text projects with a pushback, and be aware of timezones. Text reports need to be refreshed right before moving projects to "Ended" status. Then move all text projects to "Ended" status.

Review all phone groups and remove any that are set to expire. Send the morning schedule to the call center and all clients by 11am. If there is no work on the schedule, send a check-in email to the client.

Conduct a sweep of emails at 12pm to ensure that all client emails have been responded to. Review all projects in "New" and "Data Ready" status to ensure that all projects have been made active, including projects created by clients. This should be done multiple times throughout the day.

At 3:30pm, check in with the call center to see if you are on track to hit goals across all projects or if you need data for any specific projects or targets. By 5pm, send a wrap-up of all tickets created throughout the day to the call center. Request feedback for projects as needed.

Send the evening schedule to the call center and all clients by 5:30pm. Conduct a sweep of emails and New and Data Ready projects at 8pm to ensure that all client emails have been responded to.