Building A Script Best Practices

A script is arguably the most important part of a project. A good script will keep the call recipient engaged and ensure that they stay on the call long enough for the call center agent to collect the data you need.

Here are a few tips when building a script:

Keep It Concise 

The old adage 'less is more' rings particularly true when it comes to live call scripts. A short, concise script will allow the agent to get straight to the point of the call and a call recipient has less time to become frustrated with the call. Also, a quicker script means the call center agents can make more calls during a shift thus providing more data for analysis.

Clearly State Why You Are Calling

Not only is it good practice but it is also required by law to state the reason why you're calling at the beginning of a phone call. This makes sure that the call recipient has a clear picture of your agenda and it allows them to decided if they want to proceed with the phone call.

Go With The Flow

The flow of a script means the order in which the questions are given to a call recipient. The easiest script flow to develop is one in which the questions are read straight through with no skip logic. However more often than not there will be a need to jump around to different questions depending on a person's response. It's important to remember that when it comes to the script you always have to move forward. Once a question has been given and/or bypassed the skip logic cannot go back to that question.

On A First Name Basis 

A frequently used term in the industry is "voter specific". This means that each call is made with the goal of speaking to a particular individual. Targeting specific voters is especially beneficial because often these types of voters will vote often and are more reliable when gathering responses. It is important to include a specific voters name in the introduction as a variable data drop in.