Status Codes

A glossary of status code definitions.

Live Calls

Complete (C) - the call was initiated and the survey was completed (either partially or fully)

Complete Patch (CP) - the customer was successfully patched through to a target's phone

Left Message (LM) - phone went to voicemail and message was left

Disconnect (D) - phone number does not work or is no longer in service

Wrong Number (WN) - number does not belong to the person on file

Initial Refusal (IR) - customer refused call before script could be read

Do Not Call (DC) - customer asks to not be called again

Language Barrier (LB) - customer on the other line speaks no English 

Spanish Language Barrier (SP) - customer on the other line speaks no English but speaks Spanish

Other Barrier (OB) - customer on the other line has a reason alternative reason that they cannot be communicated with

Deceased (DE) - the customer on file has passed away

Fax (FX) - phone number is a fax number

Not Available (N) - customer on file is not available to receive a phone call

Busy (B) - the phone number is transmitting a busy signal

Answering Machine (A) - Phone went to voicemail and a message was left

Wireless (WI) - phone number flagged as a mobile number by COS scrub

Do Not Call (DNC) - customer asks to not be called again

No Agent (NA) - No agent available to take call

Human Dialed (HD) - Cell number dialed to queue but not yet called

Not In (NI) - customer is not nearby to take a call

Moved (MV) - customer no longer lives in the address on record  



Text Transmitted (TT) - text was sent with no carrier confirmation

Text Failed (TF) - text message was unable to be delivered

Text Sent (TS) - text message was successfully sent but delivery was not confirmed by the carrier

Text Reply (TR) - text message reply was sent from the phone number on record

Do Not Call (DNC) - the phone was marked Do Not Call because a DNC record was found in the DNC table on COS

Litigator (LL) - the phone is identified as a litigator record because it was found in the litigator scrub database on COS

Text Delivered (TD) - text message was successfully sent and delivery was confirmed by the carrier

Text Do Not Call (TDC) - a text message was received asking to be placed on the DNC list. These records are automatically added to the DNC database  



Robo Transmitting (RT) - a call is being sent to the carrier to be processed 

Robo Sent (RS) - numbers have been received by the carrier and the message was sent

Robo Processed (RP) - numbers have been processed by the carrier and are waiting to be sent

Robo Ringing (RR) - robocall is in the process of dialing

Robo Live Answer (RL) - robocall was answered by live person

Robo Answering Machine (RA) - robocall went to voicemail and a message was left

Robo Busy (RB) - the phone number is transmitting a busy signal

Robo Fax (RF) - phone number is a fax number

Robo No Answer (RN) - robocall was not answered and no voicemail was avaliable to leave message

Robo Disconnect (RD) - phone number does not work or is no longer in service

Robo Invalid (RI) - Didn't get sent because of time limitations  



Email Sent (ES) - an email is being sent to the carrier to be processed 

Email Processed (EP) - email have been processed by the carrier and are waiting to be sent

Email Rejected-Dropped (ER) - numbers have been processed by the carrier and are waiting to be sent

Email Delivered (ED) - email is now in the recipients inbox

Email Deferred-Will try next 72 hours (EL) - server deferred email and will be tried again within the next 72 hours

Email Bounced (EB) - email was rejected by recipient's server

Email Opened (EO) - email was opened by recipient

Email Invalid (EI) - email address for the record is invalid