When campaign data is downloaded from a project, it will include columns of data generated by the COS system, in addition to the original data.
Manager users can limit which fields are available for download.
The downloaded data will include the following fields:
cr_id - a unique call record ID assigned to each individual record
center_id - the ID number of the call center that was contacted
master_rec - a system code
phone_clean - the phone number on file that was contacted
spoke_to_id - the same value that is loaded into the ID field when uploading data
call_date - the date of the most recent attempt to contact the record
duration - the length of time spent on a live call
TSR - the ID number of the agent that spoke to the voter
status_code - how the call was dispositioned by the agent
downloaded - whether the center has downloaded the file for this record
isCell - records marked as landline (0) or cell phone (1) by the COS scrub
Q(#) - denotes the number of questions in the script and displays which response was given for each question
aC(Date) - displays the status code of the most recent dialing attempt
This provides a clear and detailed overview of the data fields that are included when campaign data is downloaded, as well as the options managers have to limit the available fields. The information is presented in a concise, instructional format.