Scripts & How They Work

Call flow consists strictly of scripted presentations and responses. These scripts are written by all candidates’ legal teams and should be followed verbatim, unless told otherwise. Scripts should be easy to follow and include pronunciations for names to promote smooth call flow.

When going through the scripting sound natural, not robotic. Words should be annunciated, spoken in an accent neutral voice as much as possible, and voters treated with respect and care. Voters should be under the impression that they are speaking with someone directly involved with the campaign. Leave a good and lasting impression with whomever answers the phone.

Scripts are generally comprised of three components: Introduction, Questions, Closing. Breakdown as follows:

INTRODUCTION: The introduction can be something as simple as providing a first name and asking for a particular voter. It can also include the name of the organization. Only speak with the voter that is listed. There might be more than one voter listed. There will be times when it is unnecessary to speak to a particular voter. In this instance it is appropriate to go directly into the scripting.

QUESTIONS: This is the most important part of the call flow. After introduction identify the person that answered the call then proceed with the script. This can be something as simple as asking the caller when they plan on voting or a multi question survey.

CLOSING: The final part of the call is the closing. It could simply say, “Thank you for your time. Have a great day,” or it may require a disclaimer.