Taking Calls

To begin taking calls login to the server using the provided username and password.

Logging in will place volunteers into Training Mode. This is the time to familiarize themselves with the material and nature of the call.

  1. Review the menu bar. The menu bar allows volunteers to change their dialer status.
    • Available: This will place the volunteer into the queue to begin taking calls.
    • Break: This will temporarily remove volunteers from the call queue and enable them to leave their station if needed without completely logging out.
    • Logout: This will log the volunteers off of the dialer completely. This should always be done before leaving for the day.
  2. Select Available. Calls will now begin to connect.
  3. Mark who was spoken to on the first screen. Click next or Enter.
  4. Choose final disposition. (see coding calls) The call is now ended and complete.
  5. To exit the dialer, it is very important to choose the Logout button located in the top menu.