The link shortener function is used to shorten original links for tracking purposes.
To create a shortened, trackable link:
1. Select "SMS Setup"
2. Enter your URL in the "Shortner Link URL" field (the URL must be pre-configured to work)
3. Click "Save"
All link tracking programs should be set up with an additional question:
Question 1:
- Enter the Link/Script
- Select "Messages" and choose "Additional Params"
- Enter "link=original link SPACE track=2"
- Enter the script where should be visible
- Add response options "[DNC]" and "[Other]"
- Click "Save and Next"
Question 2:
- Enter "Link Track" in the script
- Add a "[CLICKED]" response option
- Click "Save and Next"
The shortened, trackable link will display during testing/deployment of the text message. This link can also be added to push-back responses instead of the initial message.
The link tracking function records the number of clicks on each link, which are tracked in Question 2 of the texting script. The link is displayed in the script by entering the value.