Dialer Dashboard **

The Dialer Dashboard enables manager users to enable or disable dialer queues, customize individual dialer configurations, and monitor dialer statistics.

  • DID - the dialer ID
  • Created - the date and time queue was created.
  • Enable - allows the user to turn the dialer on or off:  True = On   False = Off
  • Type - the type of dialer being used to dial the project, either Human or Predictive
  • Project - the project number assigned to the dialer queue
  • Universe - the total number of records assigned to the dialer
  • Goal Type - the type of goal for each individual project
  • Calling Window - the predetermined time in which the project can be dialed
  • Numbers
    G - Goal
    P - Goal Progress
    R - Remaining for Goal
    A - Assigned
    D - Number on Dialer
  • Agents
    O - Offline
    A - Available
    P - On Call
    W - Wrap up
    B - Break
    T - Training
  • 15 Min - the overall stats of the dialer queue from the previous fifteen minutes
    D - Dials Made
    C - Agent Connects
    T - Time Call to Agent
    A - Average Available
    P - Average On Call
    W - Average Wrap-up
  • Config - the configuration settings for each dialer queue
    RD (Redial Time) - the amount time that will pass before another pass is made through the list
    RA (Redial Max Attempts) - the total number of times a record can be redialed
    #L (Max number new dials)
    L2AR (Line to agent ratio)
    AM (Answer Machine Detect) - enables the answering machine to be turned on and off
    NAT (Second before No Answer)
    REC (Recordings) - enables recordings to be turned on and off
    AIS - Agent Initial State (T-Training, A-Available)