Recommended Browsers and Devices

Recommended Browsers 

Note: You can check your browser's version from the menu at the top and choosing "About Google Chrome, Opera, etc."

  • Chrome  v82 or higher (Recommended)
  • Microsoft Edge   current version
  • Safari  Not supported
  • Opera  v68 or higher
  • Firefox  v77 or higher.  Firefox would be our least recommended browser as it can get complicated with microphone permissions.    

Recommended Devices 

  • Mac and Macbooks with OS X 10.12.0 or higher
  • Any PC Desktop or Laptop with Windows 10
  • Chromebook with ChromeOS 70 or higher
  • Android Tablets v6 or higher
  • Various Smartphones will work but it is least recommended.  If you must use a smartphone please use a wired headset.

***Before dialing try testing your audio via the “Test Call” button.  Normally you would be asked to allow your Microphone to be used after the you push Test Call and with some browsers there's a checkbox to Remember this setting/decision.  Be sure to check the box to remember the setting and Allow the microphone so that you would be able to receive calls and not be asked every time a call comes in.