
From the COS Dashboard, navigate to the Management submenu and select Settings from the drop-down menu. On the Settings page, you'll find nine available options:

  1. VAN API Key - Enter a requested VAN API key here to access a VAN Account, which allows you to import scripts and data into new projects from a VAN folder. For more information on requesting a VAN API Key, see this article:

  2. Open agent, open agent new, and open agent password - These options are associated with logging into COS. Agents can sign in with their email, and a master password can be created for login use.

  3. 2FA Required - If enabled, this will require agents to use a two-factor authentication app, such as Google Authenticator, to log into COS.

  4. Agent Capture Phone - If enabled, this will capture the agent's phone number when they set up their login.

5-6. Appearance Customization - The last two options allow you to customize the text size and formatting of the COS interface. However, it's recommended to avoid adjusting these settings, as customizing the web browser itself can help with font size and readability, without the potential risks associated with changing these settings.