To access the SMS dashboard, follow these steps:
- Select the "Dashboards" submenu.
- From the dropdown menu, choose "SMS."
The SMS dashboard has a similar layout to the project dashboard, but it will only display current SMS and MMS projects.
At the top of the dashboard, you'll find the "Select Status" submenu. This allows you to filter projects by status, including Current, All, New, Data Ready, Active, Hold, Ended, Cancelled, Complete, Billed, and Archived. The "Current" filter is the most commonly used, as it shows data-ready, active, and new projects.
To view completed past projects, select the "All" filter.
On the right side of the page, below the "Select Status" field, is a search box. Use this to find a specific project if needed.
The project list offers several sorting options, including Job Number, Name, Send #, Status, Start, Stop, Time, Universe, Fail %, and Optout %. The "Send #" field indicates how many messages have been sent or are still pending.
You can manually send messages from the dashboard or set up automated SMS/MMS sending. For more information on sending messages, see this article: [].
Clicking the plus symbol next to a project will display the status codes associated with that project. To learn more about status codes, see this article: [].