Phone Setup

COS allows manager users to create lists of authenticated phone numbers. These lists are known as phone groups and are used with text and robo projects. Numbers may be added and grouped by area code, zip code or state.


Create Phone Group

  1. Click "Management"
  2. Select "Phone Setup"
  3. Click "New"
  4. Select Provider
  5. Enter "Name"
  6. Select the "Client" (If Applicable)
  7. Determine if this list is used for Shaken/Stir or 10DLC then choose the profile.  If not, leave blank.

COS will redirect to a new list page. From this page the user can add new numbers to the phone group.

  1. Click "Add Numbers"
  2. Choose the "Selection Type"
  3. If the selection type was "State" then choose the state
  4. If the selection type was "Area Code" or "Zip Code" then enter the area code or zip code
  5. Choose number of phone numbers to add
  6. Click "Find Numbers"
  7. Click "Add Numbers"
  8. Number not rested are numbers that have been not used in 30-60 days.  Always keep as false unless they cannot be found and alternatives are not available.  


Edit Phone Group

  1. Click "Management"
  2. Select "Phone Setup"
  3. Click on the name of the phone group that needs to be edited
  4. Make updates to the phone group
  5. Click "Save"  

Delete Phone Group

  1. Click "Management"
  2. Select "Phone Setup"
  3. Click on the name of the phone group that needs to be deleted
  4. Click "Delete"

Add New Numbers

Additional numbers can be added to a phone group after it has been created up to a maximum of 400 numbers. When adding numbers to phone group for texting projects note that there is a limit of 250 numbers that can be sent from a single CID per day. If more phone numbers are required then a new phone group must be created.


  1. Click "Management"
  2. Select "Phone Setup"
  3. Click "Show #s" next to the name of the list that needs numbers added
  4. Click "Add Numbers"
  5. Choose the "Selection Type"
  6. If the selection type was "State" then choose the state
  7. If the selection type was "Area Code" or "Zip Code" then enter the area code or zip code
  8. Choose how many phone numbers to add
  9. Click "Find Numbers"
  10. Click "Add Numbers"

Deleting Numbers

Phone numbers can be deleted from phone groups when no longer needed. Phone numbers can be removed one of two ways. Deleting the entire phone group will remove all phone numbers associated with that list. If a phone group needs to be retained then individual numbers may be selected for removal.


  1. Click "Management"
  2. Select "Phone Setup"
  3. Click "Show #s" next to the name of the list that needs numbers added
  4. Select and highlight all numbers designated for removal
    • To highlight a group of numbers hold down "Shift" and then select the numbers
    • To highlight individual numbers hold down "Command" and then select the numbers
  5. Click "Remove Selected"

Map Project

The map project function is used whenever a project requires the use of a functional inbound or callback caller ID. This is commonly used on robo projects as the call recipients can call back and still receive the prerecorded message.

Map an Inbound CID to a Project

  1. Click "Management"
  2. Select "Phone Setup"
  3. Click "Show #s" for the list that contains the number for mapping
  4. Highlight the number
  5. Click "Map Project" (Upper Left Hand Corner)
  6. Select the project that the number will be mapped to
  7. Click "Save"
  8. The PO number will now appear in the "Inbound Project" column