To adjust SMS settings, click "SMS setup" in the navigation menu and select "SMS edit." This page allows you to configure various SMS-related settings.
On the SMS edit page, there are eight submenus:
- Client
- Reply Conversation Mode
- SMS Message Phone Group
- Agent Group
- Shortener Link URL
- SMS Max Error Rate
- SMS Max Optout Rate
- Sending Mode
The "Reply Conversation Mode" submenu offers two options.
- Speed, which enables quick manual coding of calls
- Conversation mode, which allows for freeform responses
The "SMS Message Phone Group" submenu lets you choose which phone group will send the SMS messages. These phone groups can be created to match the data's region and area code. For more information on phone groups and how to create them, visit
The agent group submenu allows users to select a specific group of volunteers or agents assigned to a texting project. This ensures that only the chosen group has access to send and code messages.
The shortener link URL submenu can shorten links within the message. Users can choose between a default shortened link or a custom link. If the project is set up for link tracking, links will be automatically shortened.
The max error rate and max opt-out rate are set to 5% by default. These track message failures and opt-outs when sending SMS/MMS projects. Sending will automatically pause if the set limits are exceeded. To resume, users must increase the max error/opt-out limits. For high error rates, it's best to review the project for adjustments and change the phone group before resuming. Continuously increasing the max error rate and resuming sending can become problematic, so it's better to follow the recommended steps for better sending performance.
The sending mode submenu allows users to select the sending method for the project - Agent Sending or Auto Sending. Agent Sending requires manually sending each message individually. To do this, go to the SMS dashboard, find the text project, and select the blue box showing the number of messages to open the sending screen. There is also a bulk send option, which requires copying the address bar and editing the "agentsend" section to "sendbulk." Auto Sending lets users set the number of messages and a scheduled deployment time.