MMS Quick Start

Create A New PO

Login to COS

Select "Project" Click "New Project"

Choose "Client" Enter "Project Name"

Choose "MMS" as the Project Template Click "Create New PO"

General Info

Select the "Start Date"

Select the "Start Time"

Select the "Stop Date"

Select the "Stop Time"

Select the "State"

Enter the "Number of Followups"

Assign a "SubClient" (If Applicable)

Enter any "Campaign Notes"

Click "Save"

Upload The Data

Click "Campaign Data"

Choose "Upload Campaign Data"

Drag/drop or select the data file that will be uploaded

Click "Upload"

Choose "List Processing" type

Make sure that the Phone, Name and ID fields have the correct column selected

Click "Save and Next"

Entering The Script Click

"Messages" Copy/Paste or type the script into the opening (Include "opt-out" language in initial message)

Click "Save and Next"

If responses are needed go to next follow up Click "Add Response"

Type in response

Repeat if more responses are needed Add any other responses

Click "Save and Review"

Entering Multimedia

Click "MMS Files"

Click Upload File Drag and drop the multimedia file into the opening

Click "Upload" Go to “Messages”

Click the (+) Next to Addition Param

Select the file of the media uploaded

Click the check box.

Scrub The Data Select Campaign Database"

Click "List Scrub"

Choose "Mark Cells as Wireless"

Click "Run Action"

Choose "Mark Litigator Numbers as Status DNC"

Click "Run Action"

Choose "Delete Landline Numbers"

Click "Run Action"

SMS Info

Click "Edit PO"

Choose "SMS Info"

Select the "SMS Message Service Group"

Click "Save" Return to "Messages" Tab

Click "Test SMS"

Enter Telephone number in which to test to. "Click Send"

Review test message before moving forward.'